
Do you have 30min a day for your health?

Moving for a minimum of 30 minutes a day offers numerous physical, mental, and overall well-being benefits. Incorporating regular physical activity into your daily routine…

Torn MCL recovery without surgery OR skipping the gym

In February of 2023 I popped my MCL while doing a large set of double unders.  I did my best the moment it happened to ice…

nutrition coaching

Why Am I Gaining Weight Working Out?

As a personal trainer, there are several reasons why clients might gain weight when they start a new workout routine despite eating correctly. It’s essential…

Should I work with a personal trainer?

As a personal trainer, I understand how challenging it can be for busy parents to find time for themselves and prioritize their fitness goals. That’s…

Summer break does NOT apply to your health

Client: Hey, I’ve been thinking about taking a break from the gym during the summer. I just want to relax and enjoy the season without…

The Benefits of Exercising After 60: Unlocking a Healthy and Active Lifestyle

Title: The Benefits of Exercising After 60: Unlocking a Healthy and Active Lifestyle Introduction:As we age, it’s essential to prioritize our health and well-being. Engaging…

Making it to the Gym: Efficient Strategies for Busy Parents

Life as a busy parent can often feel like a whirlwind of never-ending responsibilities. Between managing work, taking care of the kids, and tackling household…

Coca’s Programming now written by owner Kate Rawlings

After a year of running CAP (CrossFit Affiliate Programming) owner, Kate Rawlings, has decided to bring day to day programming back internally.  Knowing our demographic currently…

Can You Do CrossFit if You’re Overweight?

People often ask if they can do CrossFit if they’re overweight.   The answer: Yes! Anyone can do CrossFit.   In a one-on-one setting, coaches use CrossFit…

Building Strength After 40

Can you build strength after 40?  Absolutely!  Many people think that we get weaker as we get older. And it’s true that we’ll all experience…

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