How to succeed doing Fight Gone Bad

Fight Gone Bad is one of the most classic workouts in the CrossFit deck of benchmark workouts and there are some simple strategies to optimize your success!

1min wallball (20-10ft/14-9ft)
1min sdhp (75/55)
1min box jump
1min push press (75/55)
1min calorie row
1min rest

  • Pick a set amount of reps to complete and hold that each movement for each round. If you held 20 reps/movement you would reach the coveted 300 rep Fight Gone Bad
  • Work for :45sec rest/rotate for :15 – this strategy ONLY works if you do not rest in the :45sec
  • Use your ‘rest/transition’ time to 360 breath and slow your heart rate
  • Turn on your rower while you rest between box jumps and push press – rowers typically have a 2min turn off so the 1min of push press won’t turn your screen off
  • Shoot to get the most out of the sdhp and push press as they are the easiest to cycle
  • DO NOT rebound on the box jumps – it increase the risk of injury to significantly for the minimal gain of a rep or two
  • DO NOT touch a water bottle outside of the designated rest period

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