As we finish out what has felt like the longest year, we often being throwing around New Years Resolutions. That means adding in new habits or routines. Many of us are already overlaoded and the thought of adding more things in is overwhelming.
That habit of adding more onto an overloaded plate is why many New Years Resolutions fail within the first month. It’s not that you’re lazy or unmotivated, it’s that you don’t physically have the band with to do more.
This year we are suggesting you figure out what you can remove. What has to get out of the way to make room for the things you want to do?
Example: maybe you being using instacart so grocery shopping is done for you. That frees up 1-2 hours/week and makes room for you to read a book or take a yoga class etc.
How do you figure out what you want?
1. make a list of what you want in 2021
2. list of obstacles (time eaters)
3. what things do you do that you don’t HAVE to do?
4. how many of those things CAN go?
5.insert things that will make you GROW!
If you’re not sure how to do this on your own book a No Sweat Intro with one of our expert coaches.